Beyond the Basics Advanced Pilates Techniques for Experienced Practitioners

Beyond the Basics Advanced Pilates Techniques for Experienced Practitioners

Have you ever found yourself a bit stuck in your Pilates journey, feeling like you’ve hit a snag and the simple exercises just aren’t cutting it anymore? You’re definitely not on your own there.

Plenty of us get to that point where our bodies are itching for something more challenging to truly test our limits. It’s interesting to note that Joseph Pilates himself came up with over 600 exercises during his lifetime, which really goes to show the massive scope for progression in this discipline.

We understand what it’s like, constantly on the hunt for ways to take our practice up a notch beyond the basics. That’s why we’ve done our homework and pinpointed some top-notch advanced Pilates techniques specifically for seasoned practitioners like yourself.

This blog is going to walk you through some cracker advanced mat and reformer exercises designed to give your core a serious workout, ramp up your flexibility, and push your body in new directions.

Brace yourself – it’s time to shake things up!

Key Takeaways

  • Advanced Pilates exercises like Corkscrew, Swan Dive, and Control Balance can push your body’s limits, offering a serious workout for the core, improving flexibility, and introducing new challenges.
  • Exercises on the reformer machine such as Leg Springs and Arm Springs target both upper and lower body strength while enhancing stability through controlled movements.
  • Incorporating advanced techniques from Joseph Pilates’ original methods into routines strengthens deep abdominal muscles, improves balance, coordination, and promotes better posture and overall physical well-being.

Advanced Pilates Exercises on the Mat

Discover challenging mat exercises like the Corkscrew and Swan Dive to elevate your Pilates practice. Master advanced moves such as Shoulder Bridge With Kick and Control Balance for a more dynamic workout.


We love making the Corkscrew part of our advanced Pilates mat exercises. It targets the core muscles, enhances flexibility, and improves spinal mobility. Lie on your back with legs extended upward and arms by your sides for stability.

Slowly rotate your legs in a circular motion, resembling a corkscrew turning. Keep your shoulders pressed down on the mat as you control this challenging movement. This exercise helps experienced practitioners like us strengthen those deep abdominal muscles.

Swan Dive

Transitioning from the challenging Corkscrew, now let’s focus on Swan Dive. This full-body exercise targets your back extensors, glutes, and hamstrings while strengthening your shoulders and core.

To start, lie face down with arms extended overhead and legs slightly apart. Inhale deeply as you lift your chest, arms, and legs off the ground simultaneously by engaging your back muscles.

Hold for a few breaths before lowering back down to complete the movement.

Swan Dive is a dynamic exercise that enhances core strength and flexibility. The controlled movement engages multiple muscle groups in a fluid motion, offering an effective way to build spinal strength and improve posture.

Neck Pull

Transitioning from the Swan Dive to the Neck Pull, we’re moving into an exercise that targets your core strength and spine flexibility. The Neck Pull challenges your abdominal muscles while improving mobility in your back, neck, and shoulders.

Start by sitting tall with legs straight and arms extended forward. As you roll down one vertebra at a time, aim to touch your toes while keeping your stomach engaged for support. Slowly stack back up to a sitting position using control and precision to maximise the benefits of this challenging move.

The Neck Pull is a dynamic exercise that demands concentration and control throughout each motion. By prioritising proper form and alignment during this advanced Pilates technique, you’re building not only strength but also enhancing flexibility in key muscle groups.


Transitioning from the Neck Pull, we move on to Scissors. This exercise targets the core and helps improve hip flexibility and overall leg strength. Lie on your back, lift both legs off the mat, and point them up towards the ceiling.

Lower one leg as far down as you can without compromising your lower back position while keeping the other leg reaching toward the sky. Switch legs in a scissor-like motion, alternating them for several repetitions.

Maintain control over your movements and engage your core throughout.

Once comfortable with this exercise, consider incorporating variations such as small pulses or circles with each leg to further challenge yourself and enhance flexibility and strength in your hips and lower abdominal muscles.


Let’s get moving with the “Bicycle” exercise, a fantastic way to boost core strength and improve flexibility. Lie on your back, lift your legs to tabletop position, then start pedalling in the air as if riding a bike.

Engage your abdominal muscles by reaching the opposite elbow towards the knee with each cycle. This move targets your obliques and lower abs while enhancing balance and control—perfect for advanced Pilates practitioners aiming for a stronger core and improved overall physical well-being.

As you pedal through this exercise, focus on maintaining smooth and controlled movements to optimise its benefits. Embrace this dynamic move into your routine to level up your Pilates practice through challenging yet rewarding exercises like the “Bicycle”.

Shoulder Bridge With Kick

Shoulder Bridge with Kick is an advanced Pilates exercise that targets the core, glutes, and hamstrings. Start by lying on your back with knees bent and feet hip-width apart. Lift your hips into a bridge position, keeping them stable as you extend one leg straight in front of you while maintaining the bridge.

Hold for a moment then return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. This exercise enhances core strength, improves balance, and increases lower body flexibility.

Jack Knife

Jack Knife is an advanced Pilates exercise that targets the abdominal muscles, promoting core strength and stability. Lie on your back with legs extended and arms reaching overhead.

Inhale to prepare, then exhale as you lift both legs and torso off the mat simultaneously, aiming to touch your toes with your hands. Keep your core engaged throughout the movement to control the motion.

This challenging exercise not only strengthens your core but also improves overall body control and coordination.

Hip Twist

Let’s delve into the hip twist, an advanced Pilates exercise that targets your oblique muscles and challenges your core strength. Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and arms out to the sides.

As you exhale, lower both legs to one side while keeping your shoulders grounded. Inhale as you return to the centre and then exhale as you lower them to the other side. This dynamic movement not only enhances flexibility but also strengthens the muscles around your spine, promoting better stability in daily activities.

Experience a deep stretch through this exercise that actively engages multiple muscle groups in a controlled manner, ultimately contributing to improved overall physical well-being for seasoned practitioners seeking more than just basic Pilates movements.

Kneeling Side Kick

The Kneeling Side Kick is an advanced Pilates exercise that focuses on strengthening the core, hips, and thighs. From a kneeling position, extend one leg out to the side and then kick it forward while maintaining control and stability in your upper body.

This exercise targets the outer hip muscles and helps improve balance and flexibility. Engage your abdominal muscles throughout the movement to support your spine and maintain proper alignment Keywords: Core strength exercises, Advanced Pilates techniques for experienced practitioners.

This challenging move also enhances hip mobility while promoting overall stability through the core and lower body. Perform this exercise with precision, ensuring controlled movements to maximise its effectiveness in targeting multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

Side Bend

Transitioning from the challenging Kneeling Side Kick, we now explore the invigorating Side Bend. This exercise targets the obliques and lateral muscles, enhancing core strength and flexibility.

With controlled movements, engage your torso to bend sideways while maintaining stability, promoting an agile and resilient midsection. Concentrate on smooth transitions between each side to achieve a balanced workout.

Improve your core strength by incorporating the Side Bend into your routine for enhanced lateral muscle engagement. Let’s master this move towards developing a stronger and more flexible body.


Boomerang is an advanced Pilates exercise performed on the mat. Lie on your back with legs extended, arms by your sides. Engage core muscles to lift legs and curl the upper body off the mat simultaneously.

Swing legs over, around, and up as you reach towards your toes before rolling down through the spine with control to return to the starting position. This move strengthens core muscles, increases flexibility, and challenges coordination.

The Boomerang exercise targets abdominal strength and helps improve overall body control. It also aids in promoting spinal mobility and increasing circulation while providing a full-body workout experience for experienced Pilates enthusiasts seeking challenging movements to enhance their practice further.


Crab is an advanced Pilates exercise that targets the upper body, core, and glutes. To do this exercise, sit with your feet on the floor and hands behind you, fingers pointing towards your body.

Lift your hips off the ground so your weight is supported by your arms and feet. Slowly lift one leg at a time while maintaining stability in your upper body. This move strengthens the triceps, shoulders, and engages the core for balance and control.


Rocking is an advanced Pilates exercise that targets the core and challenges balance. This movement involves a gentle rocking motion while maintaining control and stability, engaging the abdominal muscles and improving overall body strength.

Rocking also helps to enhance coordination and proprioception, making it a beneficial addition to your Pilates routine.

Control Balance

To perform the Control Balance exercise, lie on your back with legs reaching towards the ceiling. Use your core to lift your hips and lower back off the mat while extending your legs away from you.

Keep your arms by your sides for support and stability. It’s a challenging move that strengthens the core and improves balance control – crucial for experienced Pilates practitioners seeking advanced body strengthening exercises.

The Control Balance deeply engages essential muscles, promoting flexibility and control, important keywords in advanced Pilates techniques. It’s one of the most effective moves from Joseph Pilates’ method exercises, providing expert insights into enhancing physical well-being through precise movements targeting strength and balance.

Advanced Pilates Exercises on the Reformer

Dive into Advanced Pilates Exercises on the Reformer for a deeper understanding. Explore various challenging

Advanced Pilates Exercises on the Reformer

exercises that will push your flexibility and strength to new levels.

Leg Springs

Leg springs on the Pilates reformer machine work to strengthen and tone your leg muscles, especially the thighs and buttocks. This exercise also helps improve flexibility in your hips and legs, while enhancing overall control and stability.

By engaging your core throughout the movement, you can benefit from a full-body workout that enhances strength, flexibility, and control.

When performing leg springs on the Pilates reformer, focus on maintaining proper form by keeping your pelvis stable as you move through the range of motion. By engaging keywords like “Pilates reformer exercises” or “flexibility and control exercises,” one can experience an effective workout that targets multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

Arm Springs

Arm Springs on the Pilates reformer machine are key exercises for building upper body strength and toning. These dynamic movements engage your shoulder, arm, and back muscles to improve overall flexibility and control while enhancing core stability.

By incorporating Arm Springs into your routine, you can effectively target those hard-to-reach muscles in the upper body, leading to improved posture and a more sculpted physique.

Stomach Massage

Transitioning from the Reformer exercises like “Arm Springs,” we move onto another crucial element in advanced Pilates techniques: “Stomach Massage.” This exercise engages and strengthens your core while improving flexibility and control.

A strong core is essential for mastering more advanced Pilates movements, and the stomach massage is designed to enhance the strength and stability of your abdominal muscles. The controlled movements involved in this exercise contribute to improved balance, posture, and overall physical well-being.

By incorporating “Stomach Massage” into your Pilates routine, you can further develop the foundational strength needed for advanced Pilates moves.

When performing the “Stomach Massage” exercise on the reformer, focus on engaging your core muscles to maintain stability throughout each movement. This exercise not only challenges your body but also helps in increasing flexibility and strengthening your abdominal muscles, pivotal components that underpin many other advanced Pilates exercises.

Long Box Series

The Long Box Series is a set of Pilates exercises performed on the reformer that focus on building core strength and improving flexibility. These exercises, such as the back extension and pulling straps, engage the entire body while targeting specific muscle groups.

They help improve posture, spinal alignment, and overall body awareness. The Long Box Series is an essential part of a comprehensive Pilates workout routine for those seeking to enhance their physical well-being through targeted movements and controlled breathing.

Reverse Tendon Stretch

Now, let’s shift from the Long Box Series to the challenging Reverse Tendon Stretch. This exercise targets your back and shoulders while enhancing flexibility and control. While lying on the Pilates Reformer, you’ll engage in a deep stretch as you push against the foot bar using your arms and hands.

The focus is on elongating your spine and improving mobility through this intense but rewarding movement. It’s a great way to elevate your practice by incorporating advanced Pilates machine exercises into your routine, pushing yourself further towards improved strength and flexibility.

Unlock the secrets of reverse tendon stretch as we dive into this challenging yet rewarding exercise that can enhance flexibility, strengthen the back and shoulders, all while pushing you towards advanced levels of Pilates practice.

Snake/Twist Combo

Moving from the challenging Reverse Tendon Stretch, let’s delve into the invigorating Snake/Twist Combo. This exercise is designed to enhance flexibility and strengthen your core muscles.

Begin in a plank position on the reformer with your hands on the foot bar. Inhale as you twist your hips and lift one leg off the carriage, then exhale as you extend that leg out to the side while twisting your body towards it.

As you return to the centre, switch legs and repeat. Engage your abdominals throughout for maximum benefit.

Long Stretch

Transitioning from the dynamic movements of the Snake/Twist Combo, let’s delve into the Long Stretch. This exercise on the Pilates Reformer focuses on strengthening and stretching the entire body, particularly engaging the core, shoulders, and legs.

Through controlled movements, it enhances flexibility and improves overall strength.

Lying down on the reformer carriage with your feet in straps, press out through your legs while keeping your upper body stable. Maintain a steady rhythm as you stretch your legs away from you without locking your knees.


Mermaid is an advanced Pilates exercise performed on the Reformer. It focuses on strengthening the core and improving flexibility in the spine and hips. In this exercise, we sit sideways on the carriage with one foot against the shoulder block and the other foot resting in front.

Using our arms to move the carriage, we elongate our body to one side while maintaining stability through our core muscles.

The Mermaid exercise challenges us to maintain balance and control as we move through a lateral stretch, enhancing our overall physical well-being. By incorporating this exercise into our routine, we can improve strength, increase flexibility, and enhance our mind-body connection for a holistic Pilates experience tailored towards experienced practitioners seeking more than just basic exercises.

Rowing Series

The Rowing Series is a set of Pilates exercises performed on the reformer that targets the upper body, core, and back muscles. These exercises mimic the motion of rowing while focusing on controlled resistance to build strength and enhance flexibility.

The Rowing Series includes movements such as front rowing, back rowing, and side rowing, each engaging different muscle groups. By incorporating this series into your routine, you can develop a strong and balanced physique while improving posture and overall body coordination.

This dynamic workout engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously for an effective full-body strengthening session.


Transitioning from the challenging exercises of the “Rowing Series,” let’s delve into the “Tree” Pilates exercise, which focuses on improving balance and core strength. The Tree exercise involves standing on one leg while the other leg is placed against the standing leg’s inner thigh, with arms reaching overhead to create a lengthening effect.

This helps in enhancing stability, posture, and concentration. It also strengthens the muscles of the legs and core, promoting better overall body control and flexibility – essential elements for seasoned practitioners seeking to advance their Pilates practice.

The Tree exercise forms an integral part of advanced Pilates training, enabling experienced practitioners to refine their balance and improve their overall physical well-being through targeted muscle engagement and controlled breathing techniques.


Transitioning from the challenging exercises of “Tree,” let’s delve into the advanced Pilates techniques featured in “Tower.” The Tower exercises on the reformer are designed to enhance strength, flexibility, and control.

These advanced exercises range from Leg Springs to Snake/Twist Combo and Long Back Stretch, tailored towards experienced practitioners looking for more than just basic movements. As seasoned Pilates instructors, we understand that incorporating Tower exercises into your routine can unlock the secrets to increased physical well-being and robust body strengthening.


The Elephant exercise is a challenging Pilates move typically performed on the Reformer. It targets the core, arms, and legs, enhancing strength, balance, and flexibility. To execute this exercise, start in a plank position with your feet on the moving carriage.

Press back into a pike position while keeping your legs straight. The focus should be on engaging your abdominals to control the movement as you return to the starting plank position without allowing the carriage to slam shut.

Leg Pull

Are you ready to strengthen your core and improve your overall flexibility? Let’s dive into the challenging yet rewarding exercise of Leg Pull. This advanced Pilates technique focuses on engaging the core muscles while maintaining a stable and aligned body position.

By supporting your body weight on your hands and feet, you’ll enhance your upper body strength and stability, while also improving balance and control. Incorporating Leg Pull into your routine will elevate your Pilates practice to new heights, helping you achieve greater physical well-being.

Long Back Stretch

The long back stretch exercise in Pilates helps strengthen the muscles along the spine, improving overall posture and flexibility. This exercise engages your back, glutes, and hamstrings to enhance core stability and promote a healthy spine.

As you extend your legs away from your body on the reformer, it is crucial to maintain proper alignment and engage your abdominal muscles for support throughout the movement. This exercise also aids in relieving tension in the back while promoting a strong and supple spine.

This powerful exercise provides a deep stretch for the entire length of your back while engaging multiple muscle groups to improve strength and flexibility. Maintaining control over each extension ensures that you work towards building a stable foundation of strength within your body.

Benefits of Advanced Pilates Techniques

Advanced Pilates enhances core strength, flexibility, balance, posture, and reduces stress, promoting mental clarity and physical rehabilitation.

Improved strength

Advanced Pilates techniques significantly improve strength, targeting key muscle groups for maximum benefit. These exercises strengthen the core, arms, legs, and back through controlled movements and resistance.

The result is a stronger and more toned body that enhances overall physical performance.

Increased flexibility

Transitioning from building improved strength to achieving increased flexibility, the advanced Pilates techniques discussed here are designed to enhance your body’s flexibility and control.

These exercises target muscle groups that play a crucial role in enhancing flexibility, thus ensuring that you can move with greater ease and range of motion. As seasoned Pilates instructors, we understand the importance of these techniques for not only improving physical well-being but also for unlocking your body’s full potential.

Enhanced balance and control

Enhance your balance and control with advanced Pilates exercises. Focus on engaging core muscles, maintaining proper alignment, and moving with precision. Build strength and stability to improve overall physical well-being through challenging variations and mind-body connection.

Improved overall physical well-being

Transitioning from enhanced balance and control to improved overall physical well-being, it’s important to recognise the positive impact that advanced Pilates techniques can have on our bodies.

Embracing these challenging exercises can lead to increased strength, flexibility, and enhanced posture. As we delve into the benefits of advanced Pilates techniques, it becomes evident that they contribute significantly to improving our overall physical well-being.

Engaging in advanced Pilates exercises fosters a sense of resilience within our bodies, promoting an agile and rejuvenated physique. The integration of mind-body connection in these workouts hones our focus and determination while sculpting and toning muscles from head to toe.

Expert Tips for Advanced Pilates Practitioners

Maintain proper form and alignment, listen to your body’s limitations, regularly challenge yourself with new

variations, incorporate mind-body connection, and practice self-care and proper recovery methods.

Maintain proper form and alignment

To prevent injury, focus on keeping your body aligned during each exercise. Position the spine neutrally and engage your core for stability. The proper form ensures maximum benefit and minimises strain.

Expert Tips for Advanced Pilates Practitioners

Aligning hips, shoulders, and knees maintains joint health while ensuring an effective workout. Engaging major muscle groups supports proper posture during movements, enhancing overall performance.

Listen to your body’s limitations

Pay attention to your body’s signals as you engage in advanced Pilates exercises. Your body will communicate its limits, so respect them and avoid pushing too far beyond what it can handle.

This approach fosters a mindful practice and reduces the risk of injury, allowing for safe progression in your Pilates journey.

Regularly challenge yourself with new variations

Explore new variations regularly to keep your Pilates practise fresh and exciting. Experiment with different props, such as resistance bands or small balls, to add a new dimension to your exercises.

Incorporate advanced movements like inversions or single-leg balances into your routine for an extra challenge. Stay engaged by trying out various Pilates styles like classical, contemporary, or fusion workouts to broaden your repertoire and stimulate continuous progress.

Constantly seeking out new ways to push yourself will not only combat boredom but also help you break through plateaus and achieve greater levels of strength, flexibility, and control in your Pilates journey.

Incorporate mind-body connection

When mastering advanced Pilates techniques, such as regularly challenging yourself with new variations, it is essential to incorporate mind-body connection. Focus on your breathing, be aware of your body’s movements, and centre your thoughts on the muscle groups you are engaging.

This integration enhances control and precision in executing each exercise, leading to a deeper understanding of your physical capabilities and limitations.

By incorporating mind-body connection into your practice, you can heighten the effectiveness of each movement and promote a harmonious union between body and mind. This approach not only elevates the physical benefits but also cultivates mindfulness and self-awareness throughout your advanced Pilates journey.

Practice self-care and proper recovery methods.

Transitioning from honing your mind-body connection to ensuring overall well-being, it is crucial to prioritise self-care and effective recovery strategies. As experienced Pilates practitioners, incorporating adequate rest, hydration, and gentle stretching post-workout supports muscle repair and growth.

Additionally, mindful breathing techniques aid in stress reduction and relaxation for a balanced fitness journey–enhancing both physical and mental resilience.

Advance Your Skills – Join Our Elite Pilates Class Now

As we wrap up our discussion on advanced Pilates techniques for experienced practitioners, remember the key exercises and tips we’ve covered. Emphasise practicality and efficiency in implementing these strategies to elevate your Pilates practice.

The impact of regular practice can lead to significant improvements in strength, flexibility, balance, and overall physical well-being. Seek further guidance from seasoned instructors or explore additional resources to continue your learning journey.

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